Trap Danmark

Trap Danmarks 6. udgave er et omfattende univers af levende fortællinger, tværfaglige beskrivelser og leksikale informationer om Danmark. Her finder du den væsentligste viden om dansk geologi, geografi, biologi, arkæologi, historie, kultur, kunst, arkitektur samt samfunds- og erhvervsliv.

Trap Danmarks digitale tilbud beriges med både stedbeskrivelser, billeder, kort og illustrationer fra databaser hos Nationalmuseet, Det Kgl. Bibliotek, Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen og Rigsarkivet samt Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur.


TjekDet er en dansk politisk uafhængig faktatjekmedie. Der fakta tjekkes påstande i den offentlige debat og der korrigeres eller nuanceres, hvor der er behov for det.

Vores mål er at kvalificere den offentlige debat og styrke den demokratiske samtale ved at sikre, at begge dele foregår på et så oplyst grundlag som muligt – fri for misinformation, desinformation og fake news.


EUFACTCHECK is the fact-checking project of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) that intends to build a sustainable curriculum unit on fact-checking within a European network of Journalism schools.

Through factchecking European political claims and trying to tackle misinformation, we want our students and our public to grow a deeper insight and interest in democratic processes, both on national and European level. EUFACTCHECK wishes to motivate fact-based debate in the EU and to stimulate media and information literacy.


The web site was founded by David Mikkelson, a project begun in 1994 as an expression of his interest in researching urban legends that has since grown into the oldest and largest fact-checking site on the Internet — one widely regarded by journalists, folklorists, and laypersons alike as one of the world’s essential resources. is routinely included in annual “Best of the Web” lists and has been the recipient of two Webby awards.


Africa Check

Africa Check is a non-profit organisation set up in 2012 to promote accuracy in public debate and the media in Africa. The goal of their work is to raise the quality of information available to society across the continent.

As former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says: “For democracies to function properly, for people to make informed decisions about their lives, the claims made in the public domain must be held up to scrutiny and their veracity checked openly and impartially.

“I salute the work of Africa Check, as an important initiative engaging with journalists and citizens across the continent to raise the level of public debate.”

Link: Africa Check


PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics.

PolitiFact is run by editors and reporters at The Poynter Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit school for journalists based in St. Petersburg, Fla.

The PolitiFact state sites are run by news organizations that have partnered with the Times. The state sites and PunditFact follow the same principles as the national site.

Link: Politifact and Politifact Global News

World Health Organisation (WHO)

The World Health Organisation have one overlaying goal: Better health for everyone, everywhere.

Their primary function is to direct and coordinate international health work through collaboration.

Working together, the WHO partnerships attain health objectives by supporting national health policies and strategies.

The organisation have 194 Member States, across six regions, and working from more than 150 offices. WHO partner with countries, the United Nations system, international organisations, civil society, foundations, academia and research institutions.

Link: WHO

WHO is a SDG partner.