What about my plastic footprint?

Do your country act like it is aware of its plastic footprint? If no, start voting in people in power, who actually have plans to deal with the consumption of plastic.

Even better if they are working on proposing legislation that already works with some efficiency other places and is supported by science, professionals and statistics. Or if they want to invest in changing the threat humans are to the climate.

Can our individual plastic footprint stop the ocean of waste from submerging us

As a private person, there is a number of things you can do to lower your personal plastic footprint:

Ten tips to reduce your plastic footprint – WWF

Words apparently don’t come easy, baby, embroy, fetus, woman, the what is what guide

Anti-abortions, anti-choice or pro-birth people are notoriously bad at seperating their use of words to the right context of the meaning of the words. So here is a short list of the actual meaning of words.

It is criminal to murder both babies and women, since both are already born and persons in their own right.

Murder is a criminal act, so it does not apply to legal abortion.

When a pregnant woman is murdered it is called double homicide, because it happened in context of committing a crime against the woman. A fetus or embryo is not in this context either considered a legal person. The woman is considered a person with legal rights.

Cuticy of the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Embryo : an animal in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems, especially : the developing human individual from the time of implantation to the end of the eighth week after conception
Most abortions happens medically in the embryo stage, when the embryo is barely the size of a walnut.

Fetus : an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind, specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth
The rest of the abortions happens in the early fetus stage, before it has a fully developed system.
A rare few abortions happens later due to unexpected health issues.

Baby : an extremely young child, especially : infant
A baby can not be aborted or be unborn, since it developed into a baby at birth. Murdering a baby is a crime, because it is a person in its own right.

Woman : an adult female person
There is no such thing as an unborn or aborted woman.


Why I agree with FEMINISM

There is no me in feminism, it is about us, all of us.

To me it is about equality for all, about equal opportunity, about standing in solidarity with those that have less of it and fighting inequity and income disparity. It is about making legislation equal to all, law enforcement equal to all and accountability equal to all, despite a persons gender identity, sexual preference, race or starting point in life.

5% of all men are responsible for 60% of all violence. This makes violent men a real issue, and even though it is not about all men, there is a 1 out of 20 chance that the man in front of you is violent. This is a real problem, one that puts women (and men and children) into hospitals and into the grave. So yes, men are violent, because statistically it is so. If you personally are not a violent man, if you do not have control issues, if you never used a fist, bat or beer bottle to end an argument, then you are smart enough to know that you are among those other 95% that choose to not turn to his fists first, right?

I love men. I love boys. I love grumpy old bastards. My father, my brothers, my “spouse” through the past 28 years, my gamer friends, my colleagues (you know who you are), my neighbors, my favorite actors, singers and producers and developers. I love them for their minds, their creative inputs into my life, their zest and inspiration.

I don’t need feminism to seek justice for those wronged. But I am not a fool, why not seek justice in solidarity with those of like minds, rather than rage against injustice alone? The pen is mightier than the sword, and good stuff is best enjoyed in company.

I am aware of the difference between a “bad” and a “good” person.

Feminism have climbed walls, but we are still climbing mountains.

In my humble opinion, anti-feminism is corrupting the world.


I am an agnostic atheist.

This means I find it highly unlikely that there is a God, any God. I do not believe in some omnipotent entity doing intelligent design. I do not believe in old outdated anecdotal scripts made from oral traditions being the go to guide to truth on how to live as a good person in 2018.

So if you want to argue with me, don’t say that God says so, do not refer to the holy scripture you believe in, do not think that your feeling that there is a God is a rational argument for the existence of your God. Because I am going to shut the discussion down, if all you have is your feelings about your God. I do not share those feelings. Only fact based science can convince me – and thousands of years have gone without any such evidence. Until then I am fine with being agnostic and saying that we do not have the final answers, we only have the most likely answer.

Hence the reason I am an agnostic atheist.

I do not believe in your God, so convincing me about anything that you think God ordained better be backed up with concrete fact based science supporting the same standpoint. Nit picking parts of your holy scriptures that vaguely supports your point of view is not going to work, because I do not believe your scriptures have godly origin.

Those scriptures are written thousands of years ago by ordinary humans, they are not a direct deliveries from a God. It is scriptures tainted by bias of the people,  who wrote it and the people who translated it over time. It was written for an agenda be it fictional or to save oral traditions and later translated by others with a religious political agenda to hold power over the people.

I am an agnostic atheist. It means I do not believe in a God, any God. It does not mean I do not believe in anything at all. I will get into that in the Political Musings section.