Africa Check

Africa Check is a non-profit organisation set up in 2012 to promote accuracy in public debate and the media in Africa. The goal of their work is to raise the quality of information available to society across the continent.

As former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says: “For democracies to function properly, for people to make informed decisions about their lives, the claims made in the public domain must be held up to scrutiny and their veracity checked openly and impartially.

“I salute the work of Africa Check, as an important initiative engaging with journalists and citizens across the continent to raise the level of public debate.”

Link: Africa Check


PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics.

PolitiFact is run by editors and reporters at The Poynter Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit school for journalists based in St. Petersburg, Fla.

The PolitiFact state sites are run by news organizations that have partnered with the Times. The state sites and PunditFact follow the same principles as the national site.

Link: Politifact and Politifact Global News

World Health Organisation (WHO)

The World Health Organisation have one overlaying goal: Better health for everyone, everywhere.

Their primary function is to direct and coordinate international health work through collaboration.

Working together, the WHO partnerships attain health objectives by supporting national health policies and strategies.

The organisation have 194 Member States, across six regions, and working from more than 150 offices. WHO partner with countries, the United Nations system, international organisations, civil society, foundations, academia and research institutions.

Link: WHO

WHO is a SDG partner.

The World Bank

The World Bank is a global partnership of almost all countries in the world, that provides extensive data on economic development and related topics. It is five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.

As such the site provide not only in depth information about topics related to economic growth in developing countries, but also on sharing working sustainable solutions for the benefit of all. Their data set bank has a wide range of information to draw from various areas of development.

Link: The World Bank and The World Bank Data

The World Bank is a SDG partner.

The Social Progress Index

The Social Progress Imperative use indicators to rank how well countries meet basic humans needs, allow citizens and community to enhance and sustain the quality of their lives and create the conditions for all individuals to reach their full potential.

The Index attempts to create a sufficiently nuanced picture of what a healthy society looks like.

Link: The Social Progress Index

The Legatum Properity Index

The Legatum Institute is a think-tank with a global vision: to see all people lifted out of poverty.

They apply their work to rank and measure how poverty and prosperity around the globe is changing, to research and determine why it is changing locally, nationally and globally and what actions can be done to enable transformationel change fostering open economies, inclusive societies and empowered people.

The indicators they use for ranking can be adjusted for weighting according to the visitors area of priority.

Link: The Legatum Prosperity Index

The Good Country

The Good Country index have taken it upon itself to use different indicators of how countries effects the international community and putting a value on those indicators. A “glass is half full” person will read it to see what countries are the most international benevolent countries in the world, another of the “glass is half empty” mind will look at it to determine which countries does the least harm to the world community.

The Good Country’s goal is to show that we are one species and as such, there are problems in current time that are best solved in collaboration cross borders and some countries are good at it in some areas and others are good at it in other areas. Learn from those that does it well and try not to sabotage the good intends.

Link: The Good Country


I am an agnostic atheist.

This means I find it highly unlikely that there is a God, any God. I do not believe in some omnipotent entity doing intelligent design. I do not believe in old outdated anecdotal scripts made from oral traditions being the go to guide to truth on how to live as a good person in 2018.

So if you want to argue with me, don’t say that God says so, do not refer to the holy scripture you believe in, do not think that your feeling that there is a God is a rational argument for the existence of your God. Because I am going to shut the discussion down, if all you have is your feelings about your God. I do not share those feelings. Only fact based science can convince me – and thousands of years have gone without any such evidence. Until then I am fine with being agnostic and saying that we do not have the final answers, we only have the most likely answer.

Hence the reason I am an agnostic atheist.

I do not believe in your God, so convincing me about anything that you think God ordained better be backed up with concrete fact based science supporting the same standpoint. Nit picking parts of your holy scriptures that vaguely supports your point of view is not going to work, because I do not believe your scriptures have godly origin.

Those scriptures are written thousands of years ago by ordinary humans, they are not a direct deliveries from a God. It is scriptures tainted by bias of the people,  who wrote it and the people who translated it over time. It was written for an agenda be it fictional or to save oral traditions and later translated by others with a religious political agenda to hold power over the people.

I am an agnostic atheist. It means I do not believe in a God, any God. It does not mean I do not believe in anything at all. I will get into that in the Political Musings section.